Have A Relaxed Outdoor Wedding
For the newlyweds and their guests, an outdoor wedding is a dream come true. Of course, the preparation is more involved, and you’re more reliant on the weather, but it’s well worth it! We’ve compiled all of the information on getting married outside – whether in a garden, park, or on the beach – and have a ton of excellent ideas and suggestions.
Locations for outdoor weddings
A rural wedding is one of the most romantic ways to tie the knot. Which outdoor venues are appropriate for such a gathering? Choose where you want to hold your wedding outside and discover what options you have:
Wedding on the beach
Flip-flops for the bride, a straw hat for the groom, and a delightful cocktail as a welcome drink? If you want a relaxed wedding, the beach mantra is the way to go. A beach wedding is a fantasy that many people believe is out of reach. If you don’t want to fly your wedding party out of Germany, there are plenty of fantastic beach bars where you can have a taste of the beach without leaving the country. Sand, sea, and drinks – a beach wedding in Germany are just as great if you and your guests create a vacation vibe!
A lakeside wedding
A romantic wedding slogan that allows for plenty of décor and lovely deeds. For example, instead of a vehicle parade, you might organize pedal boats and have everyone drive out onto the lake one after the other, ideally around dusk.
Wedding in the woods
Getting married under an old oak tree with colorful lanterns hanging from the branches, a moss ring cushion, and a wooden guest book? That sounds delectable! The only thing that matters is that everything comes together nicely in the end, and that nature can be found in all ornamental elements. For a woodland wedding, the time of year is very essential. All of the trees are lovely and green again just in late April. The gorgeous leaves of fall can create a magical ambiance, but the winds might get stronger again in the winter.
Wedding in the meadow
A wedding on a meadow in nature, whether in the park around the neighborhood or on a local farm, provides many wonderful options. Typically, a meadow wedding is more laid-back, and the reception is more casual. As a result, this slogan is especially appropriate for low-budget weddings, where grandeur would be out of place.
The garden wedding
Do you or your parents have a large yard where all of your guests could sit comfortably? Perfect! Because getting married in a garden is not only the simplest but also the most cost-effective option for an outdoor wedding. You are free to arrange your backyard wedding whatever you like and are not bound by any rules. Only in terms of music level should you short-circuit yourself with your neighbors ahead of time (or simply invite them all). Consider parking and the number of restrooms available, depending on the number of attendees.
An outdoor wedding in the park
Permission from the municipality or city administration is required to have your wedding in a public park. If you can mention a local café or restaurant, it is a plus. Otherwise, you’ll have to bring not just Furniture Collection, food, and beverages, but also toilets and power to the park’s center. Unfortunately, it is both time-consuming and costly. However, if the logistics are in place, getting married in the park may be a unique experience for you and your guests.