• Family,  Leisure,  Social,  Technology

    Video Games Make Children Happy


    When the first cinema opened its doors, there was great excitement about the dangers of this new entertainment. People become addicted and aggressive. Similar opinions are now widespread about video games. Probably not completely wrong, but certainly one-sided.

    Most parents hate it. A son, or worse, a daughter who spends most of her leisure time playing video games on their computers. Young people prefer to hang out late at night, just because the blood is splattering off the screen or they even sell csgo skins for paypal. Parents with younger children proudly talk about the limited “screen time” they give their offspring. The appeal of video games is strong.

    With video games, you can test your behavior and learn optimally

    The positive effects of video games have been rarely studied, but there is an increasing trend. Benefits at the cognitive level, such as spatial perception, have been identified several times. Research also suggests that video games can promote pro-social behaviors, such as helping others. This also applies to video games that are aggressive when played together.

    In addition to the opportunity to experiment with new behavioral options, video games also provide a highly motivational and optimal learning environment. Success in video games is rarely rewarded. This is a reward system that has shown that science is the best source of motivation.

    Games can enhance the mental health of young people

    However, video games are still largely lacking in mental health care. But that’s exactly where the potential of video games is. The skills that underlie good mental health can be trained in video games without being overwhelmed by lessons learned.

    The fact that mental health science and video games are still in their infancy is not only an obstacle but a blessing. Especially when developing and researching video games in the field of mental health, you can learn from mistakes in educational games.

    In addition to a thorough study of effectiveness, do not lose sight of the essence of video games. After all, much of the power of video games is that they are so much fun and motivating. That’s it, and nothing more than practicing math in a gaming environment. Video games that teach you to adjust your emotions in addition to having a lot of fun are very fun games. It’s a lot of fun not only for young people but also for parents and society.

  • Family,  Leisure,  Marriage,  Relationships

    Housework, Cause of Relationship Problems


    According to research, household chores are still largely the responsibility of women. And most of the time, there isn’t much recognition or regular praise from our partners.

    Whether it’s home cleaning, shopping, or cooking for the whole family, these activities are still predominantly handed down to women, so they fit into modern socially outdated traditional role models. On the other hand, in politics and large corporations, women are assigned to allow more women to take up managerial positions, and after work, women are still on the stove, doing household chores, laundry, cleaning the residuals of pets using pet carpet cleaner and parenting.


    Why do household chores remain for women?

    Anyone content with their role and the resulting workload and distribution is not overwhelmed or disadvantaged and does not feel that they need praise, awards, help, or guidance. Housework is a partnership that matters whenever it feels unjust.

    It is reckless and superficial to blame men for the fact that household chores are largely left to women, even if the professional position and commitment in the partnership are balanced. Being able to talk about guilt is when someone feels at a disadvantage and both the perpetrator and the victim are aware of his behavior and have the opportunity to reconsider it and make changes or corrections as necessary. Because it is only the case. Reconcile with each other.

    Many working women do much more household chores than their working partners but do not feel any disadvantage in their relationships. Some women deeply internalize the traditional image of gender and are obliged to do household chores, in addition, to work if their partner is unemployed or if the household chores take longer for other reasons. I think there is.


    When are household chores unfairly distributed?

    It is difficult to measure injustice in the division of labor between men and women. Neither the workload nor individual stressors, such as physical or psychological stress, can serve as criteria here, as the perceived tolerance limits and the required replay, time varies from person to person. Men also compare primarily to men, and women again like to compare to other women, but the results are more subjective than objective values ​​and are not suitable for accurate calculations.


    Embodying equality and justice

    Therefore, the decisive factor for the fair distribution of work and household chores is not the actual amount of work or the work of a particular work, but the feelings of the people involved. It is important to balance loved and unloved tasks. Each partner must have sufficient tasks in the area of ​​responsibility, perform them internally, and strengthen their self-esteem.

    By discussing and classifying all household chores, the focus is on the importance and diversity of household chores. For many household chores, this represents the first step needed to rethink moody. They are complex and very complex, requiring creativity, vigilance, and flexibility as well as dealing with monotonous exertions, such as the daily work of employees and entrepreneurs, rather than “just a little household chores”. We recognize that it is an area of ​​intensive work. Difficult day-to-day work and patience.

  • Leisure

    Kentucky Derby Festival : Good News, Bad News

    First the good news, which to thousands of Kentucky Derby fans is a relief because the 2020 festival wasn’t canceled but merely rescheduled on September 05. Although Churchill Downs officials could have proceeded by running the race without spectators, they opted for a postponement instead.

    They cannot imagine holding the 146th racing event without the attendance of eager fans. After all, the Kentucky Derby Festival ()KDF) is more than just the excitement of watching a 2-minute race. Bill Carstanjen, the CEO of Churchill Downs voiced confidence in announcing that

    ”We are going to run the 146th Kentucky Derby and intend to run it with a crowd because it’s a participatory event.”

    Even if the horse race will last only two minutes, the KDF is one such event where the socializing and partying can go on for a week. It’s that time of the year where the womenfolk can put on the most unique derby hats. Through the years, derby hats have become more fashionable than ever, to a point that they can attract more attention than the thoroughbreds and fillies.

    However, hold your horses just yet. The bad news is that this year’s Kentucky Derby Festival will be different because of the restrictions that must be observed while the health crisis is still ongoing. .

    Churchill Downs to Run the Race with Certain Changes

    Despite the relatively low number of COVID-19 cases in Kentucky, safe-distancing is still of utmost importance, Churchill Downs Inc. (CDI) will be allowing only a specific number of fans inside the racing facility on the day the most exciting two-minute race takes place.

    The normal 150,000 capacity will be reduced by 60% in the general admission area and by 50% in the reserved seats. However, as all the reserved seats have already been paid for, CDI officials hope that some will voluntarily settle for refunds instead.

    All guests and spectators will be required to wear face masks and to sit only in designated seats, as arrangements will be made to put a distance between occupants.

    Certain changes in venue operations include limiting touch-point areas and restricting the barns only to essential personnel.

    The Fan Code of Conduct will include asking guests and fans to remain in their seat and avoid gathering as a crowd. Safe distancing must be observed while riding the shuttle and while inside the restroom, as well as when placing wagers or buying food and beverages.

    The KDF organizers are yet to confirm if the other traditional features such as the half and full marathons, the hot-air balloon events, the steamboat race and the Pegasus Parade are still on.

    As an aside, check for updates at Past the Wire, which also recommends that when looking for comprehensive information about thoroughbreds farms, horse breeding and pedigree analysis, the best source of information is BloodHorse

  • Leisure,  Technology

    Creative Ways in Coping with New Norms in Socializing

    People are devising creative ways in coping with new socializing norms, since large or closed-in social gatherings still carry threats of COVID-19 exposure. When the federal and state governments eased down on lockdown orders, but not on safe distancing measures. The general public is still advised to wear a face mask, while businesses are being required to limit the number of customers inside their establishments.

    Rather than use the term social distancing, it would be more appropriate to call avoidance of physical contact as safe-distancing because basically, socializing is no longer a norm while still in the midst of the COVID-19 threat. Health experts say that meeting in bars, attending concerts and congregating as large groups in enclosures like churches, should be avoided.

    Pitfalls of Virtual Socializing and the Need to Be Creative

    Generally, face-to-face interactions in public venues or at a friend’s house is now being avoided. To stay safe when keeping in touch with friends and to enjoy fun social moments, people just resort to virtual socializing using Zoom or Facebook’s teleconferencing social platforms.

    The pitfalls of virtual socializing are the dull awkward moments; especially when talking about the same topics; or when people forget what they were about to say because they had to wait until a friend is done talking. The spontaneity of face to face discussions is lost when virtual attendees have to raise his or her hand just to get recognized for a chance to butt in.

    Anyway, some groups have come up with creative ways to carry out their virtual socializing activities. Aside from book-club meetings and power-point sharing devised by people who share common interests, they have discovered that watching movies together virtually is now possible, via the Netflix Party.

    The browser extension offered by Netflix enables friends to sync a Netflix movie or TV program on their devices so they can watch together. People can even chat while watching, to immediately share their observation or opinion about the movie.

    Now wouldn’t it be nice if other technology companies can come up with additional but simple ways by which we can make our virtual socializing more fun and engaging?

    Although Facebook launched a virtual reality world called Facebook Horizon, it requires the use of virtual reality (VR) headsets. Perhaps someone could come up with similar ingenious applications but ordinary enough to use in socializing; such as playing with cards or board games, or even some traditional drinking games for those looking to socialize with their bar buddies.

  • Leisure

    Safety Precautions for using Hover Boards

    Hoverboards are a”thing” for couples quite some time today, and with Christmas season round the corner, it’s sensible to believe that hoverboard earnings will spike. If you’re a couple, there’s a massive likelihood that you’re going to get a hoverboard from your partner.

    There’s 1 thing you need to remember if searching for hoverboards, however. They may be harmful if not used properly. Below are a few safety precautions and tips for preventing accidents.

    1. Purchase an excellent hoverboard.

    This is sometimes somewhat tricky as there are established or linked to Hover boards as they’re brand new criteria accepted. There is just a small debate regarding if these items are toys or even vehicles. Anyhow, we believe the safest choice is that you be careful as if you’re purchasing a motorized scooter. Buy only from respectable vendors, and assess out the labels on the apparatus or the box . Ensure that your own hoverboard contains all of the required certifications and moves all inspections and criteria.

    2. Don’t leave it charging.

    You might believe that since it’s relatively safe to leave your charging you are able to do exactly the identical thing to your hoverboard as they have exactly the exact same battery. Smartphones are designed to quit swallowing electricity as soon as they are fully charged, but we aren’t certain whether the thing could be stated about hoverboards.

    Whilst charging, Actually, there were events or caught on fire. To be safe, never depart from your charging . It isn’t too much to ask. A hoverboard takes only just two to four hours to charge.

    3. Do not beat up too much.

    All consumer products experience quality assurance until they’re offered to the general public testing. This doesn’t follow that is secure and invincible. It can manage crashes that are minor and lumps, sure, but it doesn’t give you the license. Manage and ride your hoverboard with caution since a lithium ion battery that is volatile powers it. Hey, in case smartphones can burst because of matters, there’s not any good reason for the hoverboard, which presents different kinds of mishandling, and possibility of bumping, crashing, ought to be spared from these mishaps.

    4. Know where you are able to ride it with no cop.

    Cities, nations, and lands have regulations and laws regarding hoverboards. Be certain when you’re even permitted to ride hoverboards in which you are before you buy one that you learn. Besides the chance of being reprimanded by police and paying penalties, there’s yet another (although indirect) threat from riding hoverboards in areas which don’t permit them. You do get chased your first response could be anxiety, and nothing good ever comes from that. Do not presume that hoverboards are prohibited in areas.

    5. Wear safety equipment.

    To a teen, nothing is dorkier than sporting a helmet plus a few protective pads. It is advised that you wear them if you’re only beginning. Besides a helmet, you need a wrist protector and knee and elbow pads.

    Don’t forget to purchase quality equipment. Should you wind up becoming injured because of equipment you may look even dorkier. Purchase from vendors, select products and don’t skimp on quality because of cost.

    6. It’s not a skateboard.

    Even though they seem like hoverboards and do not function exactly the exact same manner and skateboards aren’t exactly the exact same. Skateboards are more easy to move since you are working contrary momentum and lightweight. Hoverboards are a different story. Don’t try to go on these as you want a skateboard do the tricks! By no means should you attempt to ride your hoverboard. Forget about ramps.

    Hoverboards ought to be limited to reduced and pavements rates. Since they might not end well for you limitations.

    7. Ride it properly.

    People who’ve had the honour of riding hoverboards have some pieces of advice about the best way best to ride it. You need to ensure your hoverboard is calibrated. Lift the wheel, and press on the foot mat with your hands (the exact same item your foot will touch it when you’re really riding it). The wheel needs to spin easily and well. If you observe a little is shaking, so your hoverboard is not calibrated. Assess its guide.

    Other hints include standing, disembarking by stepping back, and having posture. Keep your spine straight and look. Avoid committing the newcomer mistake since that might cause your weight to move ahead of looking down, causing one to fall. The identical thing goes for getting the ideal posture.

    8. Start to play with it inside.

    Locate a location in your house before attempting out your toy on the road, in which you can exercise your abilities. This is vital for two reasons. It makes it possible to avoid humiliation. Accept it. You may fall in your very first efforts, and the tools in his garage of your dad won’t ever inform the neighbors you seemed on your very first attempt.

    You have to prevent damaging your neighbor’s property. Sure, your mother will fry you alive if her vase breaks, however there’s much more play if neighbors are concerned. You avoid the risk of injuring people by practicing inside.

    Test it. Understand prevent in a space and away from breakable objects, accelerate, decelerate, and how to achieve equilibrium.

    9. Improve visibility.

    Ensure that you are visible whatever day’s period. That white shirt will not do as of the eyes of the driver of the incoming truck, you’re able to easily get”whitewashed” from the bright environment or become confused with part of the picture.

    Wear shoes or clothes with trims that are reflectorized. You might wear one of these shoes that light up. You would like to catch focus. It’s not sufficient that you’re bright. People around you should be able to tell that you’re a moving being riding a car or truck that is non-secure.

    10. Go slow.

    At least you understand your seatbelt, airbags, along with the metal framework during crashes will somehow protects you when you push a car quickly. It’s like standing on a soda can that is down a mountain when you accelerate on a hoverboard. It’s only your own body against each bark tree, signpost, and lord knows what you crash to.

    Hoverboards don’t have brakes.

    If you happen to need to create an abrupt stop, you better pray that you aren’t thrown from it, and that’s what occurs when the rider tries to prevent from panic. Keep protected by moving slow. Always keep in mind that speeding on a hoverboard stops when you are mangled to be cool.

    Conclusion: These are merely a few of the most essential safety tips and precautions for driving hoverboards. Feel free to hit us up i
