• Couple,  Marriage,  Relationships

    Marriage Likened To Music And Melody

    Music is loved by a huge number people around the world and many can’t seem to go on with their day without having to listen to their favorite tunes. Because of this, the way musicians share their music as well as how they promote them to ultimately be discovered has transitioned, for instance to buy plays of Spotify. With music streaming, this doesn’t only aid music artists in being discovered but also makes it much easier, more convenient and much accessible for people to choose and listen to a massive collection of music.

    As music has become part of society and the lives of people, there is a certain connection and association that is created in various aspects of people’s lives, marriage for instance.

    We, at one time, believed that matrimony was the end-all and be-all of a happy ending. We have seen it in films and TV shows and have read them in books. However, sooner or later, we realized and become conscious of the fact that we live in a real world where life isn’t a fairytale and that marriage isn’t the end-all and be-all. Marriage, in reality, is simply the start and foundation of the lives of two individuals together.

    Marriage is Likened to Music and Melody

    Many say that marriage is similar to music. Both individuals play a different instrument, sing different melodies but read and play from similar music sheet creating a musical harmony and such delightful and pleasing music.

    Each one, in their simple and humble way, is different, special and unique. This makes marriage, the union of two unique souls, beautiful as both, even in their differences and uniqueness,could bring so much useful and valuable things to the table. As a unified couple, both learn each other’s differences and be able to use those differences to help each other grow and mature and make the music of marriage as beautiful as it could be.

    Melody in music has a direction. Melody moves. It rises or drops and, at a certain point, ends. But, the melodies we love, we often repeat and try our best to learn. Melody in music is comparable to purpose or goal in a marriage. If both sing similar melody, it will be a witness to couple’s life together. And as both continue their journey as a couple unified in matrimony, like melody, they’ll have direction, they will have ups and downs, but they’ll eventually learn to perfect that melody they have together.
